
This website lists CVEs that are currently being discussed on the Fediverse, e.g. on Mastodon.

It is a glimpse into what is currently on the minds of the IT security community and provides valuable information for IT security professionals.

This project was heavily inspired by cvetrends.com, which used to do the same thing for Twitter. Unfortunately, the site is unable to run since Twitter started charging for API access. Credit for the idea of monitoring CVE mentions in real time goes to Simon J. Bell.

Although the number of CVE mentions on Twitter was higher than on the Fediverse, I found that the most relevant CVEs were discussed there. If you're missing details about the latest CVEs, just join the discussion, e.g. on infosec.exchange. And for goodness' sake, get off 𝕏!

Please send questions, improvement proposals or bug reports to @kpwn or create an issue on GitHub.

If you want cvecrowd.com to ignore a certain post, please either tag it with #CveCrowdDeny or the more general #NoBot. If you want this to apply to all of your posts, add the tag to your profile bio.

Instead, if you have recently posted about a CVE but it was not listed here, check whether your post and account meet all of the requirements. I have explained them in detail on my blog.

Now have fun browsing CVEs!