- Red Hat
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
- openssh
- 3 Posts
- 50 Interactions

Qualys dropped another two OpenSSH vulns this week - CVE-2025-26465 & CVE-2025-26466
I don’t think either are bad, you should keep calm and patch as per usual.
The first one needs a non-default config, and PoC for the second also uses a non-default config. Neither are RCE and I doubt will ever see in the wild exploitation.
Proof of concept: https://www.qualys.com/2025/02/18/openssh-mitm-dos.txt

OpenSSH CVE fixes are now available in the new Flatcar Alpha, Beta, Stable, LTS-2024 releases!
🔒 CVE fixes & security patches: OpenSSH (CVE-2025-26465, CVE-2025-26466)
📜 Release notes at the usual spot: https://www.flatcar.org/releases/

New #OpenSSH flaws expose #SSH servers to #MiTM and #DoS attacks
The MiTM vulnerability, tracked under CVE-2025-26465, was introduced in December 2014 with the release of OpenSSH 6.8p1, so the issue remained undetected for over a decade. The flaw affects OpenSSH clients when the '#VerifyHostKeyDNS' option is enabled.
The denial of service vulnerability is CVE-2025-26466, a pre-authentication denial of service flaw introduced in OpenSSH 9.5p1, released in August 2023.
- 3 Posts
- 50 Interactions

Qualys dropped another two OpenSSH vulns this week - CVE-2025-26465 & CVE-2025-26466
I don’t think either are bad, you should keep calm and patch as per usual.
The first one needs a non-default config, and PoC for the second also uses a non-default config. Neither are RCE and I doubt will ever see in the wild exploitation.
Proof of concept: https://www.qualys.com/2025/02/18/openssh-mitm-dos.txt

OpenSSH CVE fixes are now available in the new Flatcar Alpha, Beta, Stable, LTS-2024 releases!
🔒 CVE fixes & security patches: OpenSSH (CVE-2025-26465, CVE-2025-26466)
📜 Release notes at the usual spot: https://www.flatcar.org/releases/

New #OpenSSH flaws expose #SSH servers to #MiTM and #DoS attacks
The MiTM vulnerability, tracked under CVE-2025-26465, was introduced in December 2014 with the release of OpenSSH 6.8p1, so the issue remained undetected for over a decade. The flaw affects OpenSSH clients when the '#VerifyHostKeyDNS' option is enabled.
The denial of service vulnerability is CVE-2025-26466, a pre-authentication denial of service flaw introduced in OpenSSH 9.5p1, released in August 2023.
- 1 Post
- 7 Interactions

Y'all seem like the kind of nerds that use Rufus so here's an LPE DLL hijack fixed in v4.7:
A DLL hijacking vulnerability in Rufus 4.6.2208 and earlier versions allows an attacker loading and executing a malicious DLL with escalated privileges (since the executable has been granted higher privileges during the time of launch) due to the ability to inject a malicious cfgmgr32.dll in the same directory as the executable and have it side load automatically.
- Red Hat
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- grub2
- 1 Post
- 8 Interactions

I guess technically it's grub_strcpy()
but close enough.
A flaw was found in grub2. During the network boot process, when trying to search for the configuration file, grub copies data from a user controlled environment variable into an internal buffer using the grub_strcpy() function. During this step, it fails to consider the environment variable length when allocating the internal buffer, resulting in an out-of-bounds write. If correctly exploited, this issue may result in remote code execution through the same network segment grub is searching for the boot information, which can be used to by-pass secure boot protections.
- Red Hat
- Enterprise Linux 7
- xorg-server
- 1 Post
- 4 Interactions

no way to prevent this #c #clang
- Dell
- Dell Client Platform BIOS
- 1 Post
- 2 Interactions

Does anyone have any more info on this one?
sev:HIGH 8.2 - CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H
Dell Client Platform BIOS contains a Weak Authentication vulnerability. A high privileged attacker with local access could potentially exploit this vulnerability, leading to Elevation of Privileges.
What constitutes a high privileged attacker with local access when you're talking about a BIOS vuln, especially when the vulnerability specifically leads to EoP?
- iniparser
- iniparser
- 1 Post
- 1 Interaction

I don't know what all devices use this vulnerable version of iniparser dot c but some of y'all are really good at hacking on devices and also fuck Samsung anyway and the fact this got a CVE instead of getting silently patched is nice.
Heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability in iniparser_dumpsection_ini() in iniparser allows attacker to read out of bound memory
- nuxt-modules
- mdc
- 1 Post

I found a vulnerability in Nuxt MDC: https://www.nodejs-security.com/blog/nuxt-mdc-xss-vulnerability
Are you using the Nuxt MDC library to render LLM generated content in your Nuxt.js apps? You want to read this article to understand how I came to find a Cross-site Scripting vulnerability identified today as CVE-2025-24981
- 1 Post

The security flaw (tracked as CVE-2025-21589) was found during internal product security testing, and it also affects Session Smart Conductor and WAN Assurance Managed Routers. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/juniper-patches-critical-auth-bypass-in-session-smart-routers/
- Palo Alto Networks
- Cloud NGFW
- 2 Posts

**Deutsche Version (Umschrieben):**
Moin Leute! CISA KEV meldet sich mal wieder zu Wort 🚨 Und diesmal geht's um Palo Alto (CVE-2025-0108) und SonicWall (CVE-2024-53704). Die haben's echt faustdick hinter den Ohren! Wir reden hier von Authentication Bypass und Improper Auth, und zwar direkt im VPN-Bereich. Das tut weh!
Als Pentester sehe ich sowas ja leider täglich. 😩 VPNs sind halt oft die Haupteinfallsrouten. Wenn da Unbefugte reinkommen, ist das natürlich megaätzend. Und hinterher heißt es dann immer: "Hätten wir doch bloß..."
Und das Schlimmste: Palo Alto kann man sogar noch chainen (CVE-2024-9474 & CVE-2025-0111) 🤯 GreyNoise hat bereits Exploits entdeckt! Also, Leute, was heißt das? Patchen, patchen, patchen! Security by Design muss einfach Standard sein!
Habt ihr eure Systeme schon geupdatet? Wie sind eure Erfahrungen mit Palo Alto/SonicWall? Erzählt mal, bin gespannt!
**Englische Version (Umschrieben und Übersetzt):**
Hey everyone! CISA KEV is back with an update 🚨 This time it's about Palo Alto (CVE-2025-0108) and SonicWall (CVE-2024-53704), and let me tell you, these are nasty! We're talking about Authentication Bypass and Improper Auth, right in the VPN space. Ouch!
As a pentester, I see this stuff all the time, unfortunately. 😩 VPNs are often the number one entry point. Unauthorized access? That's a big no-no. And then everyone says, "If only we had..."
But here's the kicker: you can even chain Palo Alto (CVE-2024-9474 & CVE-2025-0111) 🤯 GreyNoise has already spotted exploits in the wild! So what does that mean? Patch, patch, patch! Security by Design simply has to be the standard!
Have you updated your systems yet? What are your experiences with Palo Alto/SonicWall? Let me know in the comments!

Allarme CISA: vulnerabilità critiche in PAN-OS e SonicOS sotto attacco!
La Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) degli Stati Uniti ha aggiunto al suo catalogo delle vulnerabilità note sfruttate ( KEV ) due falle di sicurezza che interessano Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS e SonicWall SonicOS SSLVPN, sulla base di prove concrete di sfruttamento attivo.
La società di intelligence sulle minacce GreyNoise ha affermato che ben 25 indirizzi IP dannosi stanno sfruttando attivamente CVE-2025-0108, con il volume di attività degli aggressori in aumento di 10 volte da quando è stato rilevato quasi una settimana fa. Le prime tre fonti di traffico di attacco sono Stati Uniti, Germania e Paesi Bassi.
I difetti sono elencati di seguito:
- CVE-2025-0108 (punteggio CVSS: 7,8) – Una vulnerabilità di bypass dell’autenticazione nell’interfaccia web di gestione PAN-OS di Palo Alto Networks che consente a un aggressore non autenticato con accesso di rete all’interfaccia web di bypassare l’autenticazione normalmente richiesta e richiamare determinati script PHP
- CVE-2024-53704 (punteggio CVSS: 8,2) – Una vulnerabilità di broken authentication nel meccanismo di autenticazione SSLVPN che consente a un aggressore remoto di aggirare l’autenticazione
“Palo Alto Networks ha osservato tentativi di exploit che collegano CVE-2025-0108 con CVE-2024-9474 e CVE-2025-0111 su interfacce di gestione web PAN-OS non protette e non corrette”, si legge in un avviso aggiornato.
Per quanto riguarda il CVE-2024-53704, la società di sicurezza informatica Arctic Wolf ha rivelato che gli autori della minaccia stanno sfruttando la falla come arma poco dopo che Bishop Fox ha reso disponibile una proof-of-concept (PoC).
L'articolo Allarme CISA: vulnerabilità critiche in PAN-OS e SonicOS sotto attacco! proviene da il blog della sicurezza informatica.